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A Note To Music

To the friend who has always been by my side, even in the darkest of times, even when I pushed you aside.

Hello there,

It’s always hard to write to you. But for the same reason, I feel like I should.

Remember 5th grade, when my teacher asked me to perform for a charity show? I think that was my first solo performance ever. I was petrified.

Growing up, I always undershot my abilities. Being from a family that paid no attention to the arts let alone art as a career, I convinced myself that no matter how much I tried, I would never live up to my theatrical passion. I often pushed you aside, and I’m so sorry for that. I never allowed myself to fully know you.

But you never gave up on me.

For the past three years, I experienced an education where art is just as valuable as any other subject. Along the way, I stumbled upon familiar things, like my beloved choir, and you.

Amidst my insecurities, you show me excitement. Nothing seems to matter or compare to when I have you with me, either on my own or when we’re in front of a mic and a thousand sets of eyes. I’ve always loved you without even knowing.

You and I are not meant to be perfect. What makes me feel most proud of myself and of us, is the way we can grow together every day. Singing lies a lot in your mind, and so do your insecurities. Once I realized how controllable my fears are, my voice grew louder and clearer, and with it, my confidence. I grew from singing quietly in my bedroom to stages I could never have imagined.

Thank you for being my friend, the voice of reason when I lose my way, and the encouragement when I can’t find my tune. I know our journey does not stop here. There will be new melodies to hum, new techniques to work on, new knowledge to take up. And I am ready.

Here’s to every new verse with you.

Your dearest friend,



#WhyWeDoArt is a newly launched project by FRAGMENTS, dedicated to sharing stories of each individual with art, no matter if they’re actively creating or simply enjoying it.

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