You collapse into your favorite spot in the pub. It’s another hard day, and as much as you wish you were in bed right now, you have a job interview. Who the fuck settles such an important meeting in a pub? Well, (hopefully) your future boss.
He told you that the position you’re applying for requires constant encounters with clients, therefore he’d like to test if you are qualified. You said yes, because it wasn’t like you had another choice. What you had is a long list of bills needed to be paid in the next two weeks, “or else!” You silently sigh, thinking about the life you’re living. When did it start to go wrong? You were once a young ambitious architect, who believed passion and hard work are the keys to success. And now all you think about is how to survive in this town.
Taking a sip from the glass of gin and tonic on the table, feeling the cold liquid coming down your throat, you trace your memories back to the first days of your “career”. Got fired, got your designs & salary robbed at the new place, got snatched away from that one’s promotion - you’ve experienced it all. It’s not because you hadn’t tried enough, it’s because you didn’t have the money power. Maybe you aren’t supposed to dream.
What’s the point of dreaming when this world will eventually pull you down the deepest, ugliest hole of “reality”?
The boss comes in a few minutes later. He immediately calls for six shots of tequila and then sits down opposite you. He gulps them all down when they arrive. You still sit, but God knows how much you are trying to not leave this “interview”. You force yourself to smile. You need this job. Even from a crazy alcoholic in a shiny stuffy suit.
“Hello sir.” you say with your most shameless voice. What else could a scum do?
January Sun is the second original musical by FRAGMENTS. This piece is dedicated to exploring one of the significant themes of the musical.